Beyond Fresh Breath: The Importance of Pet Dental Care

The American Veterinary Dental College believes that prioritizing oral health is an effective way of keeping your pet safe and well. Dental disease can cause severe oral infection and tooth loss. Your pet may be hiding the discomfort by not eating or being irritable. That is why you must keep your dog’s dental health in shape. Here are the details about the importance of pet dental care.


It Maintains Your Pet’s Comfort


Dental decay and infections can cause terrible pain. Even so, your pet will not immediately show discomfort. Your pet will even eat despite the pain. It may take weeks or even months before you notice that something is not right. Proper dental care can prevent such a situation. Your vet can detect oral issues before the pain becomes obvious. You can continue your pet’s dental care at home. Without dental pain, your pet will stay happy and content.


It Prevents Tooth Loss


Tooth loss can prevent your pet from chewing without pain or discomfort. Your pet may choose to keep eating despite the tooth loss and its consequences. Proper dental care can prevent your pet from losing teeth. Complete teeth can keep your pet’s jawbone and periodontal ligament intact. 


It Helps Your Pet Get Proper Nutrients


Oral pain can prevent your pet from taking in the right amounts of daily nutrients. Your pet may eat, but it is often not the same as eating without pain. Healthy gums and teeth allow your pet to eat well. This allows your pet to get the proper nutrients for daily activities, growth, and development. Proper pet dental care can help your pet stay healthy every day.


It Can Protect Your Pet’s General Health


Studies show that bacteria in your mouth can spill into the bloodstream. This can also happen in pets. Once the harmful bacteria reach the bloodstream, they can infect and damage your vital organs. This can weaken your pet and may even cause death. You can prevent such problems with proper pet dental care.


It Keeps Your Pet’s Breath Fresh


Some people think that foul breath is natural in pets. It is not. Bad breath is a sign of dental disease in pets as well. You can prevent bad breath in your pet by cleaning your pet’s teeth. Regular teeth cleaning can remove food particles and plaque. This can, in turn, stop or prevent foul breath. You can make tooth brushing a fun exercise with your pet by giving extra belly rubs and perhaps a treat after brushing.


It Can Prevent Dental Disease from Worsening


Even if your pet already has dental disease, it is not too late to do your part in preventing it from worsening. Your vet can create a treatment plan for your pet’s teeth and gums after a thorough assessment. This can help reduce the intensity of your pet’s dental disease. It can also reduce pain and other oral problems.


Understanding the importance of pet dental care can help motivate you to pay more attention to your pet’s oral health. At Sugar Land Veterinary Clinic, we provide treatments and products that can improve your pet’s oral and general health. Please drop by our clinic in Sugar Land, Texas, for a one-on-one consultation. You can also contact us by sending an email to if you want to schedule an appointment or inquire about our pet dental treatment packages.